Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 1

Why I Write

Why do I write? I feel like I have things to say that flow better through my hands than they might through my mouth.

Why do I write? I feel there is a book banging around in my head and if I write enough, maybe it will start to come out.

Why do I write? It's something I've been told I'm good at by people who are not related to me, thus having less inclination to lie. There are a few who are even paid to teach people to write that have said it.

Why do I write? It's a way I can get attention without people having to look at me. It's helpful on days that I'm not feeling all that presentable.

Why do I write? It's a way to pass the time that doesn't involve something self-destructive, like drinking or eating too much.

Why do I write? It helps keep the demons in my head quiet for a little while.


This is the first day of what I hope is, at least, a year-long writing project. I figured today would be as good a day as any other.

It's my 44th birthday and it's useful as a milestone.

I know I have another blog, but I wanted something separate because at least some of the writing here will have very little to do with soccer, if anything.

So, bear with me while I try to make writing a daily habit. Who knows, maybe we'll both have some fun along the way.

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